My name is Bjarne Brynk
I’m a professional communicator, trainer and consultant. In my spare time I am also a family man, freediver, and fundraiser. My specialty is international sales, sales management, and strategy. I work with major customers worldwide and teach around the world. The courses can easily be carried out in English, Danish or German, since I grew up in Germany and have lived in the United States and Canada for 14 years.
International globetrotter with both feet on the ground
The company was founded in 2005 with international sales, sales management and strategy as its specialty.
I grew up in Germany (21 years) and have lived and worked for 14 years in Canada and the United States (Montreal, Vancouver, Seattle and Toronto). Therefore, language and international cultural understanding isn’t just something that I talk about and teach – it’s a natural part of me.
Both professionally and privately, I travel around the world – but privately I live in a small Danish village where tranquility and beautiful nature gives me time to recharge.
As a former export director for Danish and German companies, I have practical experience in international sales. Since 1990 I have worked with international business development around the globe. Since 2005 I have been a regular lecturer for the German Chamber of Commerce (DIHK) in Berlin. With 80 offices in Germany (IHK) and 120 offices in 90 countries (AHK) the chamber of commerce serves large and medium-sized German export companies and must constantly develop new services and competencies in export consultancy.
I treat my clients in the private sector with great confidentiality, but I can apply them in cases in a personal interview. I like to support my customers networking with each other and exchanging experiences.